hansenerd cg@gts.zknt.org

Open on gts.zknt.org

syseng • CCCHH • he/him er/ihn

mail: cg@zknt.org
xmpp: cg@zknt.org
matrix: @cg:zknt.org
fedi: @cg

• I'm also @tercean
• running pixelfed.de for fun and no profit


fukami @fukami@eupolicy.social

Information Security Officer at EBRAINS and the Human Brain Project, securing data and services for #neuroscience and #brainresearch, following #EHDS #NIS2 #GDPR #DGA #AIA #eIDAS #DataAct
 former SektionEins

Pecca @Pecc0r@chaos.social

Making and hacking stuff @stratum0
Loves Hiking, 3D-Printing and Lasercutters
Twitter: @Pecc0r
Superqueer poly pan • she/her
Dateable NPC with 3 dialogue options

Klaudia (aka jinxx) @viennawriter@literatur.social

#Autorin · Podcasterin · Datenschutzexpertin · ViennaWriter's Blog & Podcast · #DatenschutzPodcast · PrivacyWeek 2016-2021 · #SolarpunkSpace · #DesperateHousehackers · #PaulaKrimi · #NaUndDasBuch · #Podcasting · Adminette von literatur.social & litera.tools

MichiK @michik@chaos.social


Jack McKracken @TraXo@toots.cc

#networks, #ipv6, #denog, #linux, #hamradio, #chaoswelle, #bratzenamt, #fcsp, #mead

"I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence, or insanity to anyone, but they've always worked for me."
- Hunter S. Thompson


Nfoonf @Nfoonf@chaos.social

Bin hier im Urlaub. Versuche bessere Vibes zu bekommen.

hansenerd @tercean@chaos.social

syseng • CCCHH • he/him er/ihn

vernachlässigtes blog: https://cg.zknt.org

fellmoon 🏴 @fellmoon@bsd.network

Noobish but enthusiastic BSD-Beginner,
mostly driven by curiosity & coffee, various kinds of weird stuff, extreme music, counterculture, etc.
full time dreamer, part time realist.

I prefer sane and civilized conversations and the ability to respectfully disagree.

Toots might contain swearing nevertheless.

trurl :unverified: @trurl@hal9.ooo

Recherchen & Archiv

pcopfer @pcopfer@chaos.social

Chaosnah, Serveradmin zum Spaß, THW (Bergung), Pan, Poly, dinge
Threema: VA37UUX3
Signal/Telegram: pcopfer

yrthy @yrthy@chaos.social

Not my circus, not my monkeys