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Atonal being in a diatonic world

he/him they/them


Violet Housekid

married 39 year old trans woman; 16 months on hrt

Tuffy (admin giraffe)

official cutie giraffe of this test instance, sponsored by the admin team (please contact if I start eating your trees)

Not a bot, just a testbed giraffe, trying out some QoL patches. <3

flamethrower squirrel

- They/Them for unfamiliar people, but mufos can use any pronouns for me
- Most fluent in english, but I also like to be spoken to in Español and Nederlands
- From the US but the US is trash

Avatar is an upside down drawing of a black cat saying MEOW. Drawing credit: Виктория (@i_i_i07 on pinterest)

Doctor Deathray

Troubadour of Nowhere and DJ to all

Powerbook 5300 🇨🇦

Formerly known as Sparc IPX. 50 year-old Canadian. GURPS fan, interested in Genesys. Cyclist. Occasionally plays well with others. #nobot

Jonathan (he/him)

Liberal computer geek, hockey nut (and goalie), web 2.0 fanatic, dad of 2 and husband of 1. Veteran (ie, old) software developer and computer hacker.

I'm @hieronymus on the birdbox

Medford MA USA




Elokitty creates AIArt

Hi, there! 🐾

Please interact with me or DM before requesting to follow so I know you're not a bot. Ty! 😌

Xennial Photographer & Poet since '99, later into Trad Art, Art Crafts & more.

🌈 Delving into AiArt since Feb 22 ✨

* She, Her; They, Them * #NoBot

elokitty 🐾

🎶 🐾 🎶 Cat. I'm a kitty cat & I meow, meow, meow & I meow, meow, meow... 🎶 🐾 🎶

This is an account for my personal stories, rants & stuff like that.

Please interact with me or DM before requesting to follow so I know you're not a bot. 😌

She, Her; They, Them * #NoBot

Creatrix Tiara

Third time lucky on Mastodon (formerly: and Got infamous for dealing with racial harassment on here but hoping to be known for more than that!

I got up to shenanigans, then got waylaid for most of 2022, and am now trying to get back into shenanigans. Creative producing, performance art, writing, video games, media-making, activism, community cultural development, advocacy, arts management ++

Queer, genderqueer, immigrant, disabled, neurodivergent, PoC

Creatrix Tiara

that chick on mastodon who got harassed for speaking about racism. 2022 threw curveballs and now I could use a new bio! Current interests: bringing together video games and performance art, immersive experiential design, post Covid recovery in arts and society