Joel Carnat ♑️ 🦥

Open on

🐡 🥋 📸 🌱 🍻 🎸
All we are is dust in the wind.

Opened to discussions.
I will check your profile before accepting a follow request.
I have strong beliefs. But I may change my mind if you can prove me wrong. Without a relevant opinion, I’ll probably just shut up.

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Nehme Tokio

#photography #oss
Crazy enough to do RAW development on #OpenBSD 📷​



Previously blue team, now more on the Threat intel side and interested by OSINT.
Reverse may be later

Sysadmin by heart, now part of a blue team.
In both worlds, i am standing on the shoulders of giants

Stefano Marinelli

CEO of Prodottoinrete Group SRL, entrepreneur, CS, traveller, with a keen eye for everything that happens in this world and the beings that populate it and make it interesting. This is my personal account, anything I say is my opinion, not from Prodottoinrete's official one.
Amministratore della Prodottoinrete Group SRL, imprenditore, informatico, viaggiatore, con un occhio molto attento a tutto ciò che accade in questo mondo e agli esseri che lo popolano e lo rendono interessante

Brian Livingston

A mix of sun and cloud

Blanche Page

MG autiste. Late diag. Exercice interrompu pour le moment. Tenir compte de ses besoins et limites m'a été vital. iel.

PP : crédit inconnu et pas trouvé en recherche d'images


Vous aimez les illustrations douces, soft érotiques et magiques ? La fantasy et la mythologie? L'aquarelle ? Moi aussi et je documente mon cheminement artistique sur ces thèmes via le net.

J'ai illustré L'Oracle des Gardiennes sacrées paru le 6 octobre 2022 aux éditions Eyrolles.
Vous pouvez me retrouver ici :



OpenBSD user Desktop. From Argentina with Cacao and Mate.

Pedro Guizeline

The usual tinkerer