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Marxist, law graduate, civil servant, writer, coder. Blind.
Location: Galicia, Spain, EU.
Interests: #writing #poetry #sf #rust #coq #marxism #tech #erotica #bdsm #kink
Languages: en es gl de eo
Funniest way someone tried and failed to insult me: commander of the queer communist revolutionary corps.
Personal blog:


Devin Prater

I'm a person who is blind, who enjoys eating, relaxing. reading, learning about Linux from the safety of other operating systems, and chatting. As I do talk about kinks that I have, this account should be considered NSFW. You are definitely not required to follow me, and if you do not, or choose to unfollow, I will not mind.


Rust nerd, a bit too into reading political and legal news, and a general dislike of autobiography.


Rust nerd, a bit too into reading political and legal news, and a general dislike of autobiography.

🦩 Alexia Powder 🦩


Unlike others I don't want to destroy pink, I just want it to be just another colour option.

Hay quienes quieren destruir el rosa, otras queremos que solo sea un color más.

Gestora de la 🌺 Lindocracia 🏖️ de Lili.

Shy bunny

wildlife photographer
transbian (she/her)
hypothetically polyamorous
socialist, warm to anarchist thinking
code bunny (video & embedded)
probably near London or SF

(Banner image is a 90's style squiggle in trans flag colors. Icon is a bust of me as a cybernetic hare, artwork by Djinni)

Follow requests can take me a very long time to deal with.


Main alt of @elr and @elr.

I am a 23 years old, vegan, supposedly-neurodivergent, nyanya, System Administrator and Web Developer.

My pronouns are he/him but I prefer if you use my name instead. And around my sexual and romantic orientation, I am demi in both.

I feel very appreciated when people interact with me directly instead of me taking the initiative.

In the case you want to follow me properly, send me a normal mention telling me that you read my profile and a DM telling me something that you liked or not in my profile.

Sash Corpion

Dear rainbow, you're my safe place.

Aurora ✅

Psicóloga de código abierto. Haciendo psicoterapia desde una mirada social y crítica.
Pronombres: Ella
#Psicología #Terapia #EconomíaSocial #Ciberpsicología #NoJoseos

fanta ☑️

I like eat bread and freeSoftware.

I write at and goof around at Saturdays at 12:00 UTC+1 in the morning.


(DM for followback! Thanks! フォローバックはメッセージを!よろしく!)

Hey, I'm Sam. Haitian-American living in #Japan since 2010. Freelance #designer and #writer. Trying to balance the anger and the love I have for this life. Blog:


he/him or they/them, white, early 30s, nyc area

hosting a small GtS instance for some friends

migrating from

knzk -> cybre -> octodon -> the disk

trans rights are human rights


AKA MoonBoiRen, RenOnVacation, and other moonie things.
#Black. #Disabled. #Trans. He/His. Dissasociative. Mostly homebound.
• Livestreams art, gaming, chats, co-working, and writing to reach out to others.
• Enthusiastic. Sentimental. Awkward. Sleepy. Snacky.
• Likes #writing, history, #science, tech, social sciences, #books, #art, #gaming, mental health issues, disability issues, cats, #music.
• May post my streams, but does not like the thought of doing so.😶
• Enjoys following, boosting.