qbit qbit@mammothcirc.us

Open on mammothcirc.us

OpenBSD slacker playing with OpenSource and other fun things! Unvetted Rando!


sk-ssh-ed25519@openssh.com AAAAGnNrLXNzaC1lZDI1NTE5QG9wZW5zc2guY29tAAAAIHrYWbbgBkGcOntDqdMaWVZ9xn+dHM+Ap6s1HSAalL28AAAACHNzaDptYWlu


sm4llth1ng @sm4llth1ng@mamot.fr

code writer on a punk bike ⬛

"I need privacy. Not because my actions are questionable, but because your judgement and intentions are."

Toots are not intended to be kept.

LnLsn @lnlsn@emacs.ch

stibbons @stibbons@social.yeoldenerds.online

Typischer #Retro #Nerd. Wohnhaft in Deutschland. Auf der Suche nach gleichgesinnten Menschen, die alte Spiele/Technik lieben und sich rund um diese (und andere Themen) ausstauschen möchten.
Verheiratet. Zwei Kinder. Ein Enkelkind.

Your average retro gaming and computing nerd from germany. Looking for likeminded people who love old games/tech and all the stuff around these topics. Married. Father of two. Grandfather.

#RetroGaming #MisterFPGA
#Programming #AdventOfCode


Pedro Guizeline @pguizeline@hachyderm.io

The usual tinkerer

Determinate Systems, Inc. @determinatesystems@hachyderm.io

Making Nix easier.

Damiano Donati @damdo@mas.to

Software Engineer @ Red Hat (OpenShift) 🖥️
MS Computer Scientist 🤓 Pizza Lover🍕

KE0FFT @KE0FFT@mastodon.radio

EM58xr - Improving #Morse skills using #LCWO [https://lcwo.net/profile/Skunkroot] & #HamRadioSolutions#VBand site w/USB key adapter. #Morsle daily 4 fun. Member #LICW. #AmateurRadio DMR / UHF / VHF, Echolink & Allstar. Shortwave Listening: #SWL. Former USAF #MorseCode Op & #Arabic linguist / instructor (1992-2007). Now a Trucker; never saw that coming; most days I actually enjoy it. #Beekeeping now too. Maintain a blog here w/ updates on the regular nets I monitor: https://bit.ly/3OA2Aed

Hello @Hello@social.rkowl.com

Fediverse is awesome !
Strong supporter of decentralized internet (service)
Open Source is the right way

WA𐕣LY @wally@mastodon.social

Vaporwave Dolphin @vaporwave_dolphin@mastodon.social

Librarian; left communist; fan of open source software, music, hiking, photography, plants, etc.

Will not follow tankies and other state capitalists.

BMG @bmcgee84@fosstodon.org

writer of software • lover of craft beer