
Open on

Rustacean, maker, geek, she/her


Enrico Risa :ferris: :emacs:

Senior Software Engineer, Rustacean and Music Lover

Steve Buzzard

#SoftwareDevelopment: #Rust :rust:, #Scala, #TypeLevel, #FP.

#Music: I gravitate to #punk, #CowPunk, #NewWave, #Independent, #Alternative, #DIY, and weird, unpopular forms but like every genre.

#Art: #NonFiction, #Fiction, #Poetry, #DarkHumor (e.g., Confederacy of Dunces), #Film and #Literature #Noir (e.g., Touch of Evil).

#PopCulture: The more #absurd the better.

#Astronomy, #Medicine, #DarkHumor.

Antifa Senior Vice President of Deep State Relations. BLM. He/him.


% 18+ only, minors DNI
unit_age('Agathis-DKM', A) :- A #>= 23.
unit_pronouns('Agathis-DKM', P) :- P = it; P = she.
unit_objective('Agathis-DKM', O) :- O = analyze; O = grow.
unit_account('Agathis-DKM', adkm).

account_license(adkm, 'CC BY-SA 4.0').
account_topic(adkm, T) :- member(T, [tech, fiction, trauma, erotica]).

Dr Hatice Yıldız

Lecturer in #genderhistory at the University of Edinburgh, with a special interest in #labourhistory, #historyoftextiles, and modern empires. I write on industrialisation, temporal standardisation, women’s cotton and silk manufacturing in colonial India and Ottoman Anatolia. I run postgraduate and undergraduate courses on #feministtheory, #economichistory, #globalhistory, the late Ottoman Empire, and South Asia. I also teach a bit of #Marx, on occasion. #histodons

Dan Cross

Software engineer at Oxide Computer Company. Xoogler. he/him

Tomáš "Čápa" Čapek

Mostly human, occasionally beats people in sim racing.

Christopher Evans

sysadmin, configuration management, devops, migrating to the cloud.

Using Mastodon to learn from others related to my work, #HamRadio. I help create content for #DogsOfMastodon.

Kayla Eilhart (cz)

Cybersec professional. Crazy IT girl. Coffeeholic. Gamer. Dreamer. Bookworm. Maker. Mostly harmless.

Posts mostly in czech, just slice of life.

🐈 She/her/meow. 🐈


#linux Mint user
#opensource supporter
passionate #gardener
#art admirer
endless #dreamer

czech: Prosím tykat, já většinou také tykám. Neberte to prosím z mé strany za neomalenost, mám jen rád neformální přátelskou diskuzi.
old: @smoon

Cecile "cat-vim" Tonglet

Proud Internet rando | 🦀 Rustacean | Religion: cathodic 📺 | she/her

⚠️ Don't contact me for love interest thanks
⚠️ Don't send me unsolicited advice thanks


Dr. Russell Pierce

@SpaceeCo Director of Engineering, Data and Computer Vision. ex Principal Applied/Data Scientist @zapier.