Stanisław Małolepszy

Open on

I make small 3D games (, and I tweet about them sometimes. Cloud at Google, previously at Mozilla.


J. Ryan Stinnett

Exploring how to make programs more malleable and computing more humane

My communities: @malleablesys, @matrix, Mozilla

Mariem Hannachi


Game Designer; Problem Solver; past: OpenAI (Dota), Pro Competitive Programmer, Poker

Michał Łazowik

SRE at

Michał Łazowik

Dan Callahan

I like computers.
Building serverside WebAssembly at Suborbital.
Former Eng. Mgr. at Element (2020-2022)
Former DevRel at Mozilla (2012-2020)

Beetroot Paul

🎨 pixel art · 🔉 chiptune · 👾 game dev · 🇵🇱 · he/him // Getting used to Mastodon by posting my art content from 2021 and 2022, to hopefully reach "today" at some point 😄

Sam Vargas

Full Stack Software Engineer at

Away from hacking at my keyboard you'll find me #hiking, #surfing, doing #Pilates, #cycling, #foraging, #cooking, #gardening, #learning #randomfact s. Passionate about #sustainability and #SustainableFoodProduction.

Ex British merchant navy officer on-board polar oceanographic ships

#English / #Portugues / #Francais / #Esperanto

#a11y #accessibility #DesignSystems #UX #wedev #frontend #backend #fullstack

All views are my own

Lenz Weber-Tronic

Senior FullStack Developer and Redux Toolkit maintainer.
#typescript #redux #react

Gordon P. Hemsley

Data Engineer. Software Engineer. Recovering Linguist. Government and Law Enthusiast.

Currently @LexisHealthCare. Formerly @govtrack, @UDelaware.



I'm Joey! I do art and lots of computer things!
Senior Graphics Engineer at riotgames
Opinions are my own!

Lenz Weber-Tronic

Senior FullStack Developer and Redux Toolkit maintainer.
#typescript #redux #react