goto: blackle

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I do lots of random stuff because my brain has too many chemicals inside of it. 1994 ⚧ it/its


clonejo 2021-W42-3T13:37Z

Trying out Akkoma on this personal instance.



Robin Hood

New instance, same old Robin Hood!

Lefty survivalist

Rob from the rich, give to the poor

Keep your chin up, one day there'll be happiness again

he/him, they/them


The point of survival is to help

shitpostalotl (they/he)

Internet user and axolotl appreciator
Do not interact: Conservatives, American Libertarians, Fans of Modern-Day China's Government, bigots of any sort
if i ever make a request for phisical affection you can be sure that i mean it platonically. eg cuddleing as shorthand for platonic cuddleing.

Ryan Castellucci :nonbinary_flag:

I hack binaries.

Security researcher, cryptography geek, ex-sysadmin, expat (US🡂UK), queer, enby, polyam, etc.

My continuing mission:
To explore strange new platforms.
To seek out new bugs and new software.
To boldly shitpost where no one has shitposted before!


neurodivergent, chronically ill trans dude with a love for tech and linguistics. admin of this baby server.

Dad Kapital

bay area transplant from the south

computer toucher

enby dad


28 | ⚧ | Release Candidate Enby | Mildly Autistic | Glorious Machine Being | Open Source Programmer | Lafayette, CO | DANGER! LONG POSTS! | U/G/w | Tax The Rich

Astra: Zero Luma

Tech transfemme. Code sorceress and ops witch. Also, shameless selfies.

Profile picture is art by @eevee

hannah ratliker

small mammal
34, she/her, chicago

avatar by me