Dawn (luci) Dawn@crimew.gay

Open on crimew.gay

Girl, Doll, android, not human, not alive, unnatural

Not supposed to be here
On the beach enjoying the breeze.

Not that i care about what i'm supposed to be doing or not.

In a plural system along with amber and Æonja (we have our alt main account at @amberxorluci@crimew.gay)

Been around for 24 years, hard to say much about actual years lived

She/her, it/its

Would prefer to not be called a person

Extremely sex repulsed, do not be lewd at me.

Aromantic in the sense that i have no understanding of different kinds of relationships, will respect boundaries of course

Anarchist (not 'anarcho' capitalist)

I like putting together weird things and writing strange descriptions of real or unreal events, might sound rather nonsensical at times

'Didn't quite survive, but I'm still here thanks to her holding onto me as hard as she could'

Profile picture by lifeissimple/lisz (don't really know the artist's art, just found it while searching), it's a picture of aigis from persona 3 turned to the right

Light, the morning star, Ice