Dismal Manor Gang DismalManorGang@mastodon.online

Open on mastodon.online

Dismal Manor Gang are denizens of a fictitious household in a mythical kingdom near the Virginia 757 and Virginia's Great Dismal Swamp. Greyhound Missy, Greyhound Rocky, and Retired Moocher Recovering Software Engineer Dave blog about life at the Manor and its environs. Our proprietor blogs about this and that at https://dismalmanordispatches.blog/, mostly us and technology stuff. #DogsOfMastodon #greyhound


Mx Autumn :fern: @carbontwelve@social.photogabble.co.uk

This is my GoToSocial alt account where I will likely be posting more ad-hoc posts that would otherwise pollute my main instances local feed. :sootsprite: