Loukas Christodoulou Loukas@mastodon.nu

Open on mastodon.nu

Always eager to help. There are no stupid questions.

Journalist, philosopher, teacher and anarchist

14 years experience at Swedish public broadcaster SR. London-born Stockholmer.

#autistic #disabled #queer #trans

My main interests are European history and politics.

Image description profile picture: me taking a mirror selfie in a very red lift.
Image description background picture: snowdrop flowers emerging from dead leaves.

searchable via https://tootfinder.ch/


Ruben @ruben_int@social.cloudless.world

Developer living in Larvik, Norway. Co-owner of the cyber security business @skyfritt (translates to 'cloudless'). #linux #FOSS #infosec #drugpolicy

This is my English / international fediverse account. My other accounts:

- @ruben (Norwegian)
- @ruben_nl (Dutch)