Dan Shick datn@hact.org

Open on hact.org
Living in the wilds of Berlin. Peripatetic reclusive. According to my partner, an artist without an audience. Working as a technical writer in the wikiverse. Writing, biking, movies, community.

Been trying to figure out what "community" means to me essentially my whole life. NO RESULTS YET STAY TUNED

Matrix: @datn:mozilla.org | Pixelfed: @datn@pixelfed.de | https://keybase.io/sninkychan

Previously @spanner.works, @mastodon.social.

:ms_demisexual_flag: :ms_pansexual_flag: :ms_polyamory_flag:

:ironfront: :meow-checkmark:

Avatar by Larime Taylor @xlarimex@twitter.com

shine @shine@gts.churanova.eu

Rustacean, maker, geek, she/her