emeryberger emeryberger@discuss.systems

Open on discuss.systems

Professor, Computer Science, Univ. of Massachusetts Amherst. My students, collaborators, and I build innovative systems, especially focused on performance, reliability, and security. Among other things, I am also the creator/maintainer of https://CSrankings.org.

Twitter (while it lasts): @emeryberger
Home page: https://emeryberger.com
Lab page: http://PLASMA-UMass.org
* http://github.com/plasma-umass/{coz,scalene,more}
* http://github.com/emeryberger


Stanisław Małolepszy @stanislaw@social.malolepszy.org

I make small 3D games (piesku.com), and I tweet about them sometimes. Cloud at Google, previously at Mozilla.