Magos Logis Logan

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I am a mathematical logician.

I am pretty curious about how to use automated reasoning systems to help discover new things, use and verify old ideas, and generally make my life easier.

Current events I try to keep up on
- Algebra community (JoA, JoAG, JoPaAA, SIGSAM)
- Math Logic community (The Journal of Symbolic Logic)
- PL community (POPL/PLDI/OOPSLA)
- Formal Methods community (CAV/TACAS)

Passing the learning curve up to current events
- Abstract Algebra (Dummit, Foote)
- Commutative Algebra (Eisenbud)
- Algebraic Geometry (Hartshorne)
- Mathematical Logic (Mendelson)
- Model Theory (Marker)

Extra context and fun things
- Process Metaphysics (Rescher)
- Mathematics Without Foundations (Putnam)
- History of Abstract Algebra (Grey)
- History of Algebraic Geometry (Dieudonne)
