(lis)anne mocchapi@hellsite.site

Open on hellsite.site

im gay lol

regrettably dutch


flewkey @flewkey@gts.2a03.party

Level 10 Computer Mage
I like audio, especially the retro kind.
Website: flewkey.com

barrow! <3 @barrow@gotosocial.barr0w.net

feral catgirl in a dark alley manically offering you "93% pure DNS";
psychiatrists dni;
ask for CWs if i miss them, im out of practice;
potentially NSFW;
previously @bobbybobson4888 and @bobbybobson4888@twitter.com

overridden @overridden@gts.2a03.party

The personal ramblings of a computer dingus. My hobbies involve elevators, locks, vintage telephones, and sometimes music.
Follow requests are encouraged, but I might reject them.