Ozma In The Dark ozmainthedark@mastodon.lol

Open on mastodon.lol

Pronouns: She/They

Profile pic: Animated white person face. Smiling with sharpish teeth. Blue, very open eyes with dark, tired lines under. Dark brown short hair off to one side.

Girlflux bad streamer of League of Legends. Aspec, ancient (37 soon) and into politics.

Socialist of some sort. Negative Utilitarian generally is the baseline of my ethics in that what causes the least harm is generally teh best option.

Languages: English


barrow! <3 @barrow@gotosocial.barr0w.net

feral catgirl in a dark alley manically offering you "93% pure DNS";
psychiatrists dni;
ask for CWs if i miss them, im out of practice;
potentially NSFW;
previously @bobbybobson4888 and @bobbybobson4888@twitter.com