Terin Stock terinjokes@toots.meetwoof.com

Open on toots.meetwoof.com

Maker with code.



Tommi @tommi@stream.tommi.space

I am a wonderer and a wanderer.
 I love connecting #people and endlessly #talking.

I am the founder and director of #ScambiFestival. 
Meanwhile, I sort of study #Philosophy, #International Studies and #Economics at Ca’ Foscari #University in #Venice.

Currently I am in #Erasmus in #Grenoble.


#poetry #TMI #Fediverse #Sociology #Socialism #antiCapitalism #Politics #fedi22

Justin Cichra @justin@fediverse.jrcichra.dev

Running my own Fediverse in an ARM K8S cluster. I still need to find out how to make it HA.