Terin Stock terinjokes@toots.meetwoof.com

Open on toots.meetwoof.com

Maker with code.



Russell@mastodon.social @Russell@mastodon.social

William Bezuidenhout @burmudar@hachyderm.io

Software Engineer at Sourcegraph helping the world code. 3D printing, Tech and Fantasy reading. Pioneering one step at a time from Cape Town, South Africa πŸ‡ΏπŸ‡¦

Eric Wuestewald @eric_wuest@mstdn.social

Renewable energy and communications at DOE EERE. Former journalist. Fan of hikes, bikes, and loud music.

Carter Rabasa @crtr0@hachyderm.io

DevTools marketing & product leader // Angel investor at 200ok.vc // Organizer for
the CascadiaJS conference & SeattleJS meetup // Long on the PacNW

Laurie Voss @seldo@alpaca.gold

Data analyst at Netlify, co-founded npm, awe.sm, started lgbtq.technology. Married to @heyjovo.

Jacob Peddicord @bagel@hachyderm.io

computer person, art attempter, outdoorsy enjoyer, open source enthusiast. skiboards are the best. 🎿 he/him β™ πŸŒ‘βšͺπŸ’œ

Tom Carden @randometc@mastodon.social

Twitter transplant. Head of Engineering for Rewiring America. Strictly no crypto.


David Brownman @xavdid@mastodon.social

Software developer, tinkerer, enthusiast. Am @xavdid basically anywhere you can have a username. Currently slinging bits at Stripe.

Nicholas Carman @nickcarman@mastodon.nz

Librarian and cyclist. Views my own. On twitter as @nicholascarman

Maxime Guerreiro @punkeel@infosec.exchange

πŸ‡«πŸ‡·πŸ§™β€β™‚οΈ Principal Software Engineer @ Cloudflare. Words are my own.

Son Luong Ngoc @sluongng@hachyderm.io

Solution Engineer @ BuildBuddy
Prev. Qarik, Booking.com, Alibaba, Lazada

Scott @dowding@ioc.exchange