Terin Stock terinjokes@toots.meetwoof.com

Open on toots.meetwoof.com

Maker with code.



nick @nkcmr@hachyderm.io

☕️ personal barista / sys eng @ cloudflare

juno suárez @juno@hachyderm.io

systems practitioner

currently: independent sociotechnical systems research. diving into tools for ActivityPub admins + operators.

ex Twitter, Zendesk, Code for America


matthijs @troublesuit@mastodon.online

Filippo Valsorda :go: @filippo@abyssdomain.expert

@FiloSottile elsewhere / Cryptogopher / Go crypto maintainer / Professional Open Source maintainer / RC F'13, F2'17

https://mkcert.dev / https://age-encryption.org / https://filippo.io/newsletter

🕳️ “Gaze not into the abyss, lest you become recognized as an abyss domain expert, and they expect you keep gazing into the damn thing.”

Eric Wolak @ericthewolak@hachyderm.io

deuill @alex@social.deuill.org

Fitter, happier, more productive. Sometimes writes stuff on deuill.org.

Keith Smiley @SmileyKeith@hachyderm.io

Principal Engineer at Lyft, maintainer of bazel's iOS support, creator of the Mobile Native Foundation, LLVM & Swift contributor. Previously Core Team @CocoaPods

Edward Betts @edward@octodon.social

Wikidata / OSM / Python / Debian developer

Andy Randall 🇺🇦 @ahrkrak@hachyderm.io

cloud / containers / kubernetes / linux things @Azure; formerly cco @ kinvolk, founder @ tigera/calico, gm/corp dev/mktg @ metaswitch; he/him; berlin de, berkeley ca, or somewhere in my 1978 vw westfalia

🍜 Alan Braithwaite :unverified: @Caust1c@infosec.exchange


seldo @seldo@mastodon.social

Data Analyst at Netlify. Formerly co-founder of npm Inc., awe.sm. I post about history a lot.

Content warning: I do not use content warnings. If you follow me, you sign up for everything I post.

Esa-Matti Suuronen @esamatti@fosstodon.org

Lead Developer findkit.com / Valu Digital Oy. Working with TypeScript, AWS, Remix.run.

I want to find time to learn Rust properly. Home Assistant fan. Will post mostly tech stuff.