Terin Stock terinjokes@toots.meetwoof.com

Open on toots.meetwoof.com

Maker with code.



Jacob Tender :mastodon: @Tender@mastodon.social

Web developer and indie archivist in Ohio.

Interested in music, film, technology, and writing stuff down.

Brent Anderson @bja@social.brentjanderson.com

Senior Software Engineer (Web/Mobile/Cloud), Tech Consultant, Husband, Father

jacob ⚡️ bednarz @jacobbednarz@fosstodon.org

systems engineer @cloudflare ed25519/0x156B038E61A4C823

Zeb Palmer @zebpalmer@mastodon.social

IT Operations Manager / Site Reliability Engineer / Developer

Been in tech for over 25 years. I've done a bunch of random stuff in that time; these days, I build distributed teams and distributed systems.

#photography, #weather #avgeek #kubernetes #python #golang #devops #dev #developer #linux #operations #manager #sre #remote #security #progressive #idaho

Filippo Valsorda 🦊:calculator: @filippo@mastodon.social

@FiloSottile elsewhere / Cryptogopher / Go crypto maintainer / Professional Open Source maintainer / RC F'13, F2'17

https://mkcert.dev / https://age-encryption.org / https://filippo.io/newsletter

Steffen Uhlig @suhlig@chaos.social

Steffen is a software developer, Ruby enthusiast, husband and proud father of two sons. In reverse priority order.

Tim Perry @pimterry@toot.cafe

Creator of https://httptoolkit.com, tech speaker, drummer & mountain biker. 🇬🇧🇨🇦 living in 🇪🇸. He/Him. #typescript #js #docker #http #opensource

Bryan Cantrill @bcantrill@mastodon.social

Co-founder and CTO of Oxide Computer Company. Nom de guerre: General Protection Fault.

Alex @public@mastodon.online

Cat photos. Computers. It's not about you. ND. Twitter @alexstapleton

Dalton Hubble @dghubble@fosstodon.org

Engineer, Kubernetes, Go, AS207563, maker of Poseidon Labs, deploybot.app. 1 cat. Staff at Lyft, former CoreOS, Twitter, MIT

sa@chaos.social @sa@chaos.social

RetroDevDaemon @retrodev@mastodon.social

Join our newbie-friendly #retrodev Discord server to ask questions, show off, teach or learn.

Evergreen Discord Invite: https://discord.gg/Js3uUrc