teufel100 teufel100@social.guckt.info

Open on social.guckt.info

Lasst euch nicht verwirren, mein Hauptaccount ist immer noch @teufel100@mastodon.social, aber ich teste derzeit ein wenig mit den Möglichkeiten, die das Fediverse so hergibt.


Verfassungklage @Verfassungklage@mastodon.social

Vorratsdatenspeicherung den Staatstrojaner und Überwachung der Bürger.

#Elektromobilität und

Jakob :friendica: @jakob@soc.schuerz.at

Linux, FOSS, Öffentlicher Verkehr, Eisenbahn, Radfahren, Fußgehen, Verkehrsplanung, Städtebau, Will das Schöne wieder in die Welt bringen, Nachhaltigkeit, Modellbahn, Java Entwickler (jun), Bash,


Die Alterswilde im Café @Geisseltierchen@troet.cafe

Berliner Pflanze. Gen X. Teilzeitgeek und Zecke. Wandert umher. Quasselt. Lernt. Island, LARP + Roaring 20s. Krafttier: Godzilla 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️

hackbyte (friendica) @hackbyte@friendica.utzer.de

that hackbyte

you're now part of my extended virtual living room....

Behave! ;)

My old account was on pluspora.


Here follows a copy of my original pluspora bio:

# #ADHD, #cPTSD, #OCD, #FAE, #Borderline, #Maniac, #Depressive, #Extrovert…

### #Whatever #label this #world needs to describe #people #like #me…

## #Inert, but #highly #explosive! #Extrovert, but #full #of #secrets…

# **I used to be the The Safety Cut Rope Axe Man.**

_But, i no longer can stand against humans._ **I** have to go on and get **MY* _very own stuff_ back in a state which is maybe worth living… Which is impossible on this pile of shit, you call a #planet…

### **I’m not simple minded, but i have simple needs … whilst being highly complex and complicated at times…**

I #hate this world and #this #humanity, #because they #expose me to #expectations i #can #not and #want #not #fulfill…

I’m #misogynistic #biased because i have #reasons for that, i’m anti-feminist for a lot of the same reasons and tons of reasons more. I don’t hate women at all, i just hate #most #of #the #humans #on #earth and **_there are groups attacking people like (me) more than others. People which try to force me into roles and behaviors which do not fit._**

### I can only #respect #humans which #treat #me #with #respect and it is #completely #irrelevant #which #gender you are. #Respect #me #so #i #can #respect #you!

#### **Never expect me to obey your rules. My rules are all based on common sense and pro life, not pro human.**

I’m so #depressed at #times, that i can not #see #anything #positive. In #these #times, #i #tend #to #be #unfair #and #way #to #harsh.

#But #i’m #still #here, you can #call #me #out #every #time and #for #whatever #i #did.

#### I #steadily #try to #do #the #right #thing, but #no #one #cares, so #i #can’t #care #at #all #times.

### **Just take that, you’re part of the problem on this planet. If you’re not, you are more welcome than all others, but understand that you have to prove that first.**

#### I helped so many people in my life. Giving shelter, a warm shower, some food, a warm bed, connections to the outside world and to get more help.



### #In early 2019 i finally moved out of Google Plus joining the #fediverse, so know, everything is different and anything is still the same (humans did not change at all, things still get worse day by day).

On the Bio for G+ i wrote something about that i might follow you for some random reasons
whenever i learn someone new … in #fediverse, a lot of things work #different, but #anyways, it might happen to you, that i follow you. If that is the case, it’s because i’ve chosen you to be part of my very own stream because you seem to enrich it. ;)

Where you can find me somewhere on the internet:

[Where to find me?](https://wheretofind.me/@hackbyte)

[hackbyte @ somewhere on the internet (duckduckgo)](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=hackbyte)

[hackbyte @ somewhere on the internet (google)](https://www.google.de/search?q=hackbyte)

#hashtags i use more regularily than others (in no particular order):
#opensource #music #linux #emotimes #randomshit

I’m interested in (randomized on purpose):
#sciencefiction #fck-nzs #puns #gplusdepression #nature #borderline #ESA #scifi #freedom #geekery #security #humor #respect #burgers #python #admin #artist #music #currentevents #geekyish #freesoftware #astronomy #maths #knowledge #challenger #bash #randomshit #creative #googleplus #linux #inspiration #ingress #nap #social #internet #astronomie #dogs #katzen #lobbyimus #digital-artist #german #nsfw #books #cat #software #weed #feediverse #sozial #humorous #resist #information-technologies #opensource #artificialintelligence #research #ai #starwars #creativecommons music-addicted #cats #lgbtq #ptsd #rights #adhd #lofihouse #film #caffeine #bitcoin #penguin #reading #quotes #coder #inkscape #coffee #beer #environment #library #aviation #taz #spacex #movies #reading-makes-sexy #futureofwork #atheism #art #spacetravel #netzpolitik #reading-is-fundamental-and-sexy #nachtmensch #nerd #poems #technology #luftfahrt #housemusic #strange #learning #html #linke #groove #dtp #amateur-photography #cptsd #technik #science #scribus #ripgoogleplus #tech #physik #kindness #community #doctorwho #tea #programming #space #insane #memes #http #it #privacy #diaspora #perl #wissenschaft #deutsch #physics .oO(*to be continued..*)

Sven @Teufel100@mastodon.social

Ich bin nur ein erwachsenes kleines Arbeiterkind, welches ins Aquarium schaut und das Gesehene niederschreibt. Für Fakten seid ihr schlauen Menschen zuständig!

jan @meatpuppet@troet.cafe

irgendwas mit hamburg und software und fahrrad.
ehemals @meatpuppet.


Castillo @Castillo@kolektiva.social

Peridista, operario de la palabra.

Artículos en varios medios de comunicación. En estos momentos escribiendo sólo para mí y mis demonios.

En estos momentos con un proyecto presonal.
Agradezco apoyo.

Pearl22 @Pearl22@troet.cafe

leicht verpeilte linksgrünversiffte Mama mit Bürojob, Atheistin, Feministin, glücklich verheiratet, SciFi und Fantasyfan #FCKAFD #FCKPTN #TeamWissenschaft #MaskeBleibtauf #Solidarität mit 🏳️‍🌈🇺🇦 #SlavaUkraini #BlackLivesMatter #TransRightsAreHumanRights #JinJiyanAzadi
#ChronischErkrankt, Pronomen: sie/ihr,
Sprachen: Deutsch, Englisch
Intetesse an: Politik, vegetarischer/veganer Ernährung, #Verkehrswende, Serien & Filme, Kunst(-handwerk), #CatContent, Familienthemen

Hiker @Hiker@social.fedcast.ch

Admin der Instanz https://social.fedcast.ch
Über 7 Jahren mit eigener Instanz im #Fediverse, begonnen mit #Statusnet und #GnuSocial
-> Auf dieser #Pleroma Instanz leider keine Registrierung möglich <-
Themen u.v.a.: #natur #tiere #berge #wandern #fotografie #musik #klassik #nobot
Sprachen: de, fr, en

Sandfrogy :autism: :autism_heat: @sandfrog@gotosocial.duckdns.org

Etwas verrückt aber sonst (r)echt ok 😜

Gewinner im F-Nummern Roulette und F-Nummern Lotto.

Mache dinge und Sachen mit #RPI4, #OwnCast, #Minecraft, #Elektronik, #Nextcloud, #div, #3ddruck, #klemmbausteine ...

:privatebin: privatebin.grautier.duckdns.org
:owncast: owncast.grautier.duckdns.org
:prusaslicer: www.printables.com/de/social/28761
:gotosocial: gotosocial.duckdns.org/
Dinge und Krams: grautier.duckdns.org

Neuer Account von @Sandfrogyy

b30 @b30@bln41.net

EinMann-GoToSocial-Instanz aus Berlin-Friedenau (41) ... Habt Spass! Mastodon: @b30

Sylvie (she/her) :verified_trans: :verified_sapphic: @follpvosten@karp.lol

Rust software developer from Vienna, Austria.

Cliché autistic transfem programmer. I may still be trying to figure out my gender, but at least I have my socks!

To be real, I'm mostly documenting my daily life here, so there's gonna be primarily life stuff with some programming stuff inbetween. I usually post in english and very rarely in german (if I do it's either a rant or a pun, at least so far).

If you wanna message me privately, my "safe choice" Matrix account is @Follpvosten:matrix.org (though I really wanna move to my own homeserver at some point).
